It’s the 31st of December. 23:59, the countdown begins and the clock strikes midnight. We celebrate and wish each other a happy new year. The next day, we wake. It’s January 1st 2025. Many will be suffering with a headache from the previous night’s celebration. Most of us are thinking about what is this new year is about to bring. We are full of good intentions and want to find a new beginning. We make plans, we sign up for the gym, we start a new book, we make a number of new resolution.
Comes mid January, we feel empty, depressed and we struggle to achieve what we set ourselves. Why is that?
We have to keep in mind that January is the beginning of the calendar year. However, in astrological terms, it is almost the end of the year. January is the month of Capricorn. This particular sign does not scream new beginnings. Capricorn is an earth sign and ruled by the planet Saturn. This is the planet of restrictions, boundaries and rules. We cannot expect Saturn to offer an impulse of new.
Two other factors are at play this year. We recently had a full moon in cancer. A very powerful moon. The moon rules the sign of cancer and during this full moon, we had to face big emotions. These can be quite uncomfortable. They make us feel overwhelmed and sometimes even like we are drowning in them.
The last factor is that the planet mars has been in retrograde. On January 15th was the biggest frustrating day of this marsian cycle. Mars a fiery planet that feeds our will. We conquer with mars, we fight and achieve. Whilst this planet is in retrograde, it forces us to look within and to take a step back. We might feel like we are missing out and unable to achieve anything. With the energy of the full moon making us feel extremely emotional, how can we be ready to go to the gym or work? All we want is stay home under the covers. On top of these astrological energies, it is the middle of winter, it is dark and wet. It is a time to gather your strength, and take some vitamins D to help your body.
With all this, how can one expect to tackle new projects? It is simply setting yourself up for failure.
The new beginnings will come with the sign of Aries, at the end of March. So be patient and kind to yourselves.
One thing I like to do, is to ask my cards for a message. I pick up up a deck, take a deep breath and ask;
What do you advise me to help me through this dark and difficult time?
Do a non positional 3 card reading and see what they tell you.
For this, I use the Rose Tarot by Nigel Jackson.

The reading is clear, no cups appear. Don’t dwell on emotions! The Emperor keeps focusing on making the money. Keep your eyes on work and how to make it happen. Or, reflect on what you have achieved so you can grow more. The king of sword suggests to keep a sharp mind, do not fall into emotional complacency.
Sometimes, too much emotions is just too much emotions.
I wish you a calm and restorative end of astrological year!